You can download a new version of Brain Equalizer app, which includes some new cool features like isochronic and monaural generators or predefined sessions.
Recently couple of updates has been released on the App Store. Specifically the Binaural Beethoven apps and Brain Equalizer which has a new description in the name "Harmonious" now with the new vwrion. Hope you enjoy and let me know if any troubles occur.
The iOs app Brain Equilizer - Psychowalkman has been renamed to Harmonical Brain Equalizer and the new version brings volume progression when creating a binaural session.
You can download a new version of Brain Equalizer app, which includes some new cool features like isochronic and monaural generators or predefined sessions.
Recently couple of updates has been released on the App Store. Specifically the Binaural Beethoven apps and Brain Equalizer which has a new description in the name "Harmonious" now with the new vwrion. Hope you enjoy and let me know if any troubles occur.
The iOs app Brain Equilizer - Psychowalkman has been renamed to Harmonical Brain Equalizer and the new version brings volume progression when creating a binaural session.
The brand new iOS app for generating static/dynamic binaural beats is available in the AppStore. You can easily mix-up iPod library music with Binaural Beats, create progressive Binaural Beats and other...
Just couple of days ago new versions of Binaural Beethoven was approved and now is available on the AppStore. Let me know if you have any suggestion regarding functionality or content.
Updated version of the Binaural Beethoven Pro is available ony the App Store. Brings the Schumann Resonces session and graphic changes. The Schumann Resonances are known for their effectiveness regarding improving human memory and overall harmonization.
Try out a new and revolutionary way of making music and animations in the real time. The only thing you need to make it work is some magnetic or metalled stuff which has the ability to hold magnetic fields. The app uses 3D space around the magnetic sensor (biohazard sign on the view) to generate...
Brings two more sonatas "Fur Elise" and "Waldstein", two more harmonic progressive binaural beats sessions (Lucid Dreaming and Reduce Stress) and three more natural sounds (Crickets, Small river and Seagulls). Now there is more then 1000 possible sound combination that can better make you relaxed....